Dr. Vivekanandda
Dr. Vivekanandda is a MSc., M.Ed, M.Phil. and holds a Ph.D. in Education from CMR University, Bangalore. His area of research work was ‘Impact of Creative Leadership among school heads on the performance of secondary schools in Bangalore’. He holds a Master's degree in Science and Education focusing on ‘Creativity in teaching & learning’ and has taught science at the school and college levels. He has designed tools for assessing creative leadership among principals and school performance.
Dr. Vivekanandda has honed his research and training skills in BASE, Bangalore. He was involved actively in developing innovative training modules in life skills. He has been a teacher educator in some of the leading colleges in Bangalore. He is passionate about creativity, critical and creative thinking. He has conducted workshops for teachers, students and corporate professionals at all levels. He has specialized in developing activity-based modules in science and other subjects.
At ACT, Dr. Vivekanandda works as Dean - Training and is one of the Board of Directors. He is a committed individual and has contributed 19+ years in the field of Training and Development at ACT. He is in-charge of all the training programmes for teachers, students, government based projects and corporate sectors. Overall, Dr Vivekananda’s contributions at ACT over the years has been invaluable to us.