Dear Principal/Teacher,
In view of the current COVID19 pandemic situation in the country, the Central Board of Secondary Education announced the cancellation of CBSE Grade X exams on the 14th of April 2021. On 1st of May 2021 it notified all its schools with circular no CBSE/CE/2021, the policy for the tabulation of marks for Grade X board exams based on the internal assessment conducted by schools.
ACT Educational Research Outcomes (AERO) the research wing of Academy for Creative Teaching (ACT) headed by Dr. Gururaj Karajagi, has taken up the initiative to conduct a survey among teachers, students and principals of various CBSE schools to understand how the different stakeholders are responding to the new grade 10 assessment policy.
All information gathered through the tool will be highly confidential and will be used by the organization for research purposes only.
For Principals / Teachers click the below link to respond.
For Students click the below link to respond.
Kindly share the above link with other school principals, teachers in your hubs of Learning and Sahodaya School Complex.
For any query, write to
Warm Regards
Team ACT, Bangalore