We believe that all individuals are creative and to improve the individual, we need training to be focused primarily on four aspects of teaching and learning.
The training would be focused on these elements:
• SENSORY –.( Involving the senses) The training would involve many aids and involve all the senses which would focus the content and appeal to the different learning styles of the trainees. It also emphasizes the need to experience the concepts through hands on learning opportunities such as role play, group discussions, brainstorming and many more training strategies.
• INTELLECTUAL – (Higher order thinking and real life applications)To build the intellectual capacities of the students such as analytical ability, critical thinking and problem solving skills an emphasis on understanding the problems with adapting to change and the ability to be rational individuals with decision making ability to focus on resolving issues .The training methods used would be Seminars, presentations, summarization, quiz and use of technology in the form of animations, online games and videos, scamper .
• EMOTIONAL –Feelings – No learning happens without the appeal to emotions, all learning will be packaged with emotions of being a team player with high self esteem and self awareness. The training would also keep the trainees motivated, enthusiastic, positively appreciative discuss the need to put the society before self. It would also aim to bring about intrinsic motivation rather than extrinsic motivation. the trainees would be involved, would enjoy the experience and thus learning would be more connected to them. The training materials would include biographical sketches, inspirational stories, role plays, surveys and case studies.
• SPIRITUAL –The value disposition of the individual is of vital significance in their progression as a self aware and empowered contributor in society. Values and emotions, crisis management are highly essential and most sought after skills in an individual. Thus, the focus is on the personal value systems and values that once developed are good for the individual and the society in general. The training methods used would be value discussions, issue analysis, videos, circle time, debates and snowballing.
The training would also develop the individual competencies; develop perspectives from the organizational viewpoint. The training would be customized depending on the batch experience, needs and analysis of local contexts.