An educational institution is a growing organism just like a human being. We take care of the needs and desires of a human being, and record periodically the growth and health. Similarly the educational institution also needs proper care and nourishment to become strong and healthy.
At the time of establishing an institution we provide special care in terms of the infrastructural, managerial and academic inputs. As the institution grows and develops roots it needs proper monitoring and support.
Every school should engage in an academic audit. Each school must have its internal quality assurance cell that constantly monitors the changes in the society and the consequent modifications that the school should make in order to remain relevant and progressive.
Keeping in mind these changes and demands each school must have its internal quality assurance cell that constantly monitors the changes in the society and the consequent modifications that the school should make in order to remain relevant and progressive. It is for these reasons that every school should engage in an academic audit.
Today, maintaining quality in education is not an obligation but a commitment that the school has made to society and it should stand by it. It is well known that assessing quality is very difficult, especially in the field of education where the products are intangible. However, there are few indices available that can serve as pointers to the status and the direction in which an educational institution is functioning.
The audit process will have three specific aims: