Workshops and Training Programmes for Corporate Organizations
- Accent Neutralization
- Appreciative Inquiry
- Assertive Skills
- Business Writing Basics
- Change Management
- Conflict Management
- Corporate Communication
- Corporate Etiquette
- Corporate Responsibility
- Creativity in the Workplace
- Dealing with Confrontational Employees
- Dealing with Difficult Customers
- Delegating Effectively
- Disciplining Employees
- Effective Business Emails
- Effective Time Management
- Effective Customer Service
- Emotional Intelligence in the workplace
- Engineering Positive Employee Behaviour
- Ethics in Business
- Ethical Leadership
- Facilitation Skills
- Gender Sensitivity
- Group Dynamics
- Handling Emotions
- Humane People Management Practices
- Interpersonal Relationships
- Dealing with Bullying & Confrontations
- Lateral Thinking & Creative Problem Solving
- Leadership Skills
- Managing Diversity in the Workplace
- Mentoring Programmes in Corporate organizations
- Negotiation Skills
- Self Esteem, Confidence and Respect
- Intelligent Employee Accountability
- Presentation Skills
- Preventing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
- Public Speaking Skills
- Selection and Interviewing Skills
- Stress Management
- Team Building
- Video / Teleconference Skills
- The Emotionally Intelligent Workplace
- Attitude & Professional Growth
- TQM for Corporate Organizations
- Train the Trainer Programme
- Transaction Analysis
- Trust and Corporate Transparency