Karnataka Chapter 2020

Registration Opens 9th April 2020
Nomination Closes 31st July 2020
Review and School Visit 1st August 2020 – 31st October
Announcement of Award 23rd November 2020

To nominate your school, contact us at


We all agree that students today need specific skills to be successful for the dynamic future. The fact is that most of our schools have not caught up to the world around them. There is a major disconnect between what we are teaching and what our students need to know and do to be successful in their lives beyond school. We have also learned, that nurturing creative schools, always comes from successful and productive innovation. So, the only way to manage change is to prepare our school by developing a culture of innovation.

Innovation is having new ideas and implementing them and creating an impact.  Innovation brings in change which can sustain for a long time. Innovation comes in many forms. There are innovations in the way schools are owned, organised and managed; in curriculum design models; in teaching and learning approaches, such as the ways in which learning technologies are used; classroom design including virtual spaces; inclusiveness in education; students personal & social development; partnerships to promote effective learning and engagement with the parents & community; nurturing human values & world culture; and the ways in which teachers and leaders are trained, developed and rewarded. These innovations can be small or large, recognisable or entirely new and different.

Innovation is driven by a commitment to excellence and continuous improvement. Innovation is based on curiosity, the willingness to take risks and to experiment to test assumptions. Innovation is based on questioning and challenging the status quo. It is also based on recognising opportunity and taking advantage of it. Being innovative is about looking beyond what we currently do well, identifying the great ideas of tomorrow and putting them into practice.

ACT has the privilege of working with and analyzing the practices in some of the best schools in India and abroad. Central to our findings is that these schools use innovative successful practices to connect their instructional programmes to the world beyond school in a way that resonates with their students. They are focused on preparing students for success in that world and have made a transformational shift. How did they get there? These schools came to the realization that they had to adapt, or else their students simply weren’t going to have. Academy for Creative Teaching believes that promoting innovation is the only way to transform schools. Innovation is always non-threatening and empowers every last person in the school system.

Academy for Creative Teaching attempts to measure the degree of innovation which is defined by the quality of the idea and implementation to bring in the desired change in the progress of the institution. ACT the only academic institution which will recognize and award innovative practices in school at various level through the concept of INNQ awards. The INNQ awards stands for Innovation Quotient. ACT aims to recognize the efforts made by individual schools in various innovative practices.


The innovation quotation is structured around eight areas of school performance which are innovations in:

  1. Teaching Learning and Assessment Approaches: Innovation includes:
    • School developing innovative practices in teaching and learning, collaborative strategies to meet the needs of individuals and groups of students.
    • School designed an internal assessment process that is beyond the framework or analysis of assessment data to monitor students’ progress.
    • School has developed a creative learning environment and creative school culture.
    • School use of technology in teaching, improving students learning and monitoring assessment.
  2. Curriculum Design and Implementation: Innovation includes: –
    • Schools have successfully designed a curriculum that is progressively mapped vertically and horizontally. The curriculum encourages independent learning, research and critical thinking and creative thinking skills.
    • Schools plans for cross-curricular themes that are meaningful and planned purposefully and innovatively. Effective integration of music, art and literature from around the world.
    • School provides a curriculum that encourages gifted and talented students.
    • School provides a special focus on STEM education and Artificial Intelligence.
  3. Students Personal & Social development: Innovation includes: –
    • School has designed a stimulating programme of co-curricular/extracurricular activities within and outside the school that significantly enhances student’s Life-Skills.
    • School has promoted an encouraging culture wherein students have a strong sense of personal responsibility, independent thinking, self – discipline, resolving peer issues, empathy & tolerance and awareness of a safe & healthy lifestyle.
  4. Collaboration with parents and the community: Innovation includes: –
    • Schools invite parents as volunteers in curriculum planning and other school programmes.
    • School plans for community development programme for students and teachers.
    • School adopts neighboring schools and shares resources.
  5. Infrastructure and learning resources: Innovation includes: –
    • Schools is well equipped with modern resources including books, materials, equipment, and technology in the school library, laboratories, and overall school administration in order to provide a safe, pleasant and stimulating environment.
  6. Implementing Inclusive Education: Innovation includes: –
    • The development and implementation of inclusive education policy in school, and related practices, and ensuring that students of determination/ Special Educational Needs have equitable access to education alongside same-aged peers.
  7. Teacher Professional Development: Innovation includes: –
    • School plans and implements internal and external professional development programme for teachers at all levels.
    • School teachers conduct action research/projects in various accepts of teaching, student’s skill development and community projects.
    • School teachers prepare newsletters, research papers in various journals, write articles in magazines and newspapers.
  8. Nurturing human values and world culture: Innovation includes: –
    • School plans and implements various celebrations, morning assembly, field trips, rituals, volunteer activities and celebrations to spread the message of core human values.
    • School has designed programme or projects which nurtures human values and promote global citizenship.

    These factors have been elaborated based on research into school effectiveness and are underpinned by 20 innovative key performance indicators.

INNQ Awards- Levels

The INNQ Awards will be given to those schools, which have conceptualised innovative ideas and implemented it with a qualitative impact on the students, teaching staff and the school as a whole. The awards recognize the outstanding contribution made by school pursuing new opportunities, engaging in continuous innovation, and exhibiting a high degree of innovation for quality education.

INNQ award will assess each institution within these four broad levels and three categories.

  • Pre-Primary Level
  • Primary Level
  • Secondary level
  • Whole School innovation

The categories of the INNQ award will be confined to Karnataka state.

  • Schools affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education-CBSE Board
  • Schools affiliated to ICSE Board
  • Aided and unaided School affiliated to Karnataka State Board.

Academy for Creative Teaching will also recognize individual Innovators who demonstrated creative leadership and were the catalyst in developing the culture of innovation.