Workshops for Institutions of Higher Education (Colleges and Universities)
- Alcohol facts: For the College student
- Careers to Discover: Career Guidance
- Caught in the Net: Internet Relations
- Change Management
- Communication Skills for College Teachers
- Creative Teaching Techniques
- Education in Human Values
- Effective Classroom Management
- Effective Study Skills
- Emotional Intelligence
- Ethics in Teaching
- Fostering Autonomous Learning
- Group Dynamics
- Handling Emotions
- Honing Student’s Research Skills
- Engineering Positive Student Behaviour
- How to Face an Interview
- Interpersonal Relationships
- Mastery Learning and Resource Kit Development
- Mentoring and Counselling
- Participative Lecturing Techniques
- Mind Mapping
- Planning for Employee Development
- Positive Self Image and Respect
- Presentation Skills for College Teachers
- Stimulating Creativity
- Stress Management
- Teacher Attitudes and Effective Learning
- Teaching and Learning Styles
- Teaching Creative Writing
- Teaching Effectively in Large Classes
- Team Building
- Teen Rebel: Handling and Helping
- Thinking Skills
- Time Management
- Total Quality Management in Education
- Transaction Analysis
- Understanding Adolescents
- VARK for Teachers